
The following is a basic implementation of a graphics turtle. This implementation is written in Javascript and uses the p5.js library.

To use this code, you’ll need to include it in your sketch.

  1. Copy all the code into your p5.js sketch.


  1. Create a file called turtle.js in the same folder as your index.html and sketch.js
  2. Copy the code listed at the bottom of the page into your new file.
  3. In index.html add the following line just before the script tag that includes your sketch.js script.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="turtle.js"></script>

// Turtle

// Basic turtle graphics implementation:
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics
// Written by Justin Bakse + Alex Silva

class Turtle {

constructor(x = width * 0.5, y = height * 0.5) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.bearing = 0;
this.isPenDown = true;
this.#stateStack = [];

// moveTo
// moves the turtle to location (newX,newY), drawing a line if pen is down
moveTo(newX, newY) {
if (this.isPenDown) {
line(this.x, this.y, newX, newY);
this.x = newX;
this.y = newY;

// moveForward
// moves the turtle along its current bearing, drawing a line if pen is down
moveForward(distance) {
const newX = this.x + cos(this.bearing) * distance;
const newY = this.y + sin(this.bearing) * distance;
this.moveTo(newX, newY);

// moveBackward
// moves the turtle backward along its current bearing, drawing a line if pen is down
moveBackward(distance) {

// turnTo
// changes the turtle's bearing to the provided angle in degrees
turnTo(angleDegrees) {
this.bearing = angleDegrees;

// turnRight
// rotates the turtle's bearing clockwise by the provided angle in degrees
turnRight(amountDegrees) {
this.bearing += amountDegrees;

// turnLeft
// rotates the turtle's bearing counter-clockwise by the provided angle in degrees
turnLeft(amountDegrees) {
this.bearing -= amountDegrees;

// penUp
// tells the turtle to not draw while moving
penUp() {
this.isPenDown = false;

// penDown
// tells the turtle to draw a line when it moves
penDown() {
this.isPenDown = true;

// pushState
// records the turtle's current state (position, bearing, + pen position)
// so that it can be restored later with popState()
pushState() {
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
bearing: this.bearing,
isPenDown: this.isPenDown,

// popState
// restores the turtle's state to the top recorded state on the stack (most recent)
popState() {
if (this.#stateStack.length === 0) {
"Turtle: No states left on stack. Make sure your calls to .pushState and .popState are balanced."
const state = this.#stateStack.pop();
this.x = state.x;
this.y = state.y;
this.bearing = state.bearing;
this.isPenDown = state.isPenDown;

// image
// draws and image centered on the turtle's current location and aligned with the turtle's rotation (forward = up)
image(i, w, h) {
translate(this.x, this.y);
rotate(this.bearing + PI * 0.5);
image(i, 0, 0, w, h);