Week 7, Turtle Graphics

Turtle Chapter

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:



Duration Time Purpose Format Name
Pre TBA - Seymour Papert Videos
30 3:50 Review+Engage Discussion Homework Review
30 4:20 Study Lecture 01 Logo and Turtle Graphics
10 4:50 Study Lecture 02 A Simple Turtle in p5.js
25 5:00 Activate Code Turtle Challenges + Break
10 5:25 Study Code Lecture Challenges Discussion
25 5:35 Study Study Examples Images, Push, Pop, Tree
20 5:50 Study Code Lecture Turtle Class
20 6:10 Intro Intro MFA Assignment


Logo and Turtle Graphics


In many schools today, the phrase “computer-aided instruction” means making the computer teach the child. One might say the computer is being used to program the child. In my vision, the child programs the computer and, in doing so, both acquires a sense of mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful technology and establishes an intimate contact with some of the deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art of intellectual model building.




Turtle vs Cartesian

::: .activity

Homework Review

Observe, describe, and critique sketches from the past week.


Individually, 5 minutes


Individually, 5 minutes

Observe the post carefully. Look at all images in the post. Read the post text. Look at any linked code or inspirations.


Individually, 5 minutes

Describe what you see. Focus on what you can see, don’t comment on the artist’s intent, process, or success.

Individually, 5 minutes

Compare the post another work. Quickly choose a well known artwork that you feel has a formal relationship to the sketch. Enumerate as many similarities and differences as you can.

Individually, 5 minutes

Suggest possible ways the sketch could be further developed. Technical, formal, aesthetics, framing, concept, content.


::: .assignment

Comp Form Case Study


Conceive, create, and document a self-directed project that employs computational form. Your project may explore a concept introduced in class, suggested by one of your sketches, or revealed through personal investigation.

This assignment is required for MFA students and suggested for BFA students.


Your project is due before the start of the final class meeting. You may submit it at any time between now and then. I suggest completing this project in March, as a sort of midterm. That way you will have no final in this class.

March 30
Optional proposals due. Proposals should be informal, 100-200 words, and include exactly two links to related web resources that I will find interesting. Submit proposals via email. Proposals are optional: you do not need an approved topic for this assignment.

If you submit a proposal I will respond with my thoughts.

April 13
Optional drafts due. Drafts should be complete, full-length, fully-proofed versions of your case study, meeting the full assignment requirements. Submit your draft by linking to your online case study. Optionally, include a google doc of your case study text.

If you submit a complete draft, I will respond with my thoughts. If your draft is incomplete or not proofed, I will not respond.

May 11
Last day to submit final.


This project has two main deliverables:

  1. The project itself. Your project should represent about 5-8 hours of work and have a clear connection to computational form. Your project does not need to employ a novel technique but it may. In either case your project should not be just an exploration of a technique: it should apply computational form within a specific context.
  2. Your written case study. Host your case study online on the platform of your choosing. Turn in your case study by creating a post on the sketch blog with an image, link, and brief teaser text.

I highly suggest you build this case study into your online portfolio. You have an online portfolio, right?
