Week 10, Generating Text


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:



Time Duration Purpose Format Name
3:50 30 m Engage Activity Homework Review
4:20 20 m Study Lecture + Discussion 01 Computational Text + Turing Test Discussion
4:40 20 m Engage + Study Jigsaw Discussion 02 Examples of Computational Text
5:00 10 m Break Break Break
5:10 10 m Study Lecture 03 String Templates
5:20 30 m Study + Engage Lecture + Activity 04 Markov Chains
5:50 20 m Study Lecture 05 Context-Free Grammars
6:10 20 m Activate Coding In-class Challenge
6:30 20 m Study Live-Coding In-class Challenge Demo

Example Groups

::: .headless

Group Question
1 Batool, Alonso, Josefina
2 Felix, Akshansh, Noah
3 Kevin, Anna, Kathrin
The Best and Worst Places to Grow Up
4 Tinsley, Andrew, Brad
The Little Girl/Boy who Lost Her/His Name
5 Brooke, Ray, Janice
6 Fei Bi, Archit, Ivy, Jungu


::: .activity

Homework Review


Group Question
1 Batool, Alonso, Josefina
Choose a sketch from the weekend. March 29, March 30, or March 31. How do you think it was made?
2 Felix, Akshansh, Noah
Choose a sketch from Monday, April 1st. How do you think it was made?
3 Kevin, Anna, Kathrin
Choose a sketch from Tuesday, April 2nd. How do you think it was made?
4 Tinsley, Andrew, Brad K.
Choose a sketch from Wednesday, April 3nd. How do you think it was made?
5 Brooke E., Ray, Janice
Choose your favorite bumper challenge. Why is this a good bumper?
6 Fei Bi, Archit, Ivy, Jungu
Choose a 😂, 😍, or 🤓. Why did you choose this one?
